Friday, October 1, 2010

Between Paris and Menelaus, who do you consider as a nobler/greater/more honorable man?

Menelaus with Agamemnon

“The Iliad” by Homer starts off somewhere between the middle of the Trojan War. The story would soon be developed with introduction of different characters and gods and goddesses that intervene and take sides on either Troy or Sparta. Soon enough, Paris, introduced as Alexandros, of Troy and Menelaus of Sparta met. They both were ready for war and give what it takes to have Helen and her wealth. Still, who is better of the two: Is it Paris of Troy or is it Menelaus of Sparta?
Paris, Prince of Troy

Choosing between the two, I think Menelaus deserves to be honored more and be greater, far greater, than Paris. There are certain reasons why I choose Menelaus and these are the following reasons:
Choosing between the two, I think Menelaus deserves to be honored more and be greater, far greater, than Paris. There are certain reasons why I choose Menelaus and these are the following reasons:
First of all, Menelaus is nobler than Paris. Based on the third book of the Iliad, it indirectly implies that Helen is the real wife of Menelaus. It seems to be that Paris is the cause of all this chaos. If Paris is nobler than Menelaus then Paris shouldn’t and shouldn’t have taken a wife of another man even if she is a prize or some sort of it. To be noble means to be decent, it wasn’t decent of him to covet one’s wife.
Second, Menelaus is greater than Paris in terms of strength. It can be clearly seen on the third book that Paris is really a no-good or can’t stand against the strength of Menelaus. Menelaus alone, meaning without help of gods, can defeat Paris but Aphrodite intervenes and saves Paris from his sure death. Saying this, Paris needs the help of gods and goddesses for victor. And adding to that, he is defeated even if a goddess is in his side.
Lastly, Menelaus is more honorable, admirable indeed, than Paris. He wants to have his wife back even though she is a disgrace now. He does not look at her that way. He does everything to get what really was his but I am not implying that Helen is an object, just a material I am just stating that Helen is married to Menelaus already, he to her and her to he.  Next thing is this, after Paris escaped with the help of Aphrodite, Agamemnon still wants to battle even thought he was shot by Pandaros, one of the Trojans. He wasn’t weak at heart like what happened Paris when he first sees Menelaus. There are a lot more comparisons to be observed in the other books.
Noynoy Aquino with Corazon Aquino's picture on his back
I can compare Menelaus to our current President Noynoy Aquino. Why? He is honorable, great, and noble in many aspects. He is not like Menelaus when it comes to their will for he thinks not of himself but of the betterment of the people of the Philippines. He does what he thinks is good for the people and does all that he can to provide us a better future, a better Philippines. 
That’s all that I can say since that’s what I think and I exactly have 500 words.


1 comment:

  1. Score: 10

    Very good discussion of the topic! Points were explained clearly.

    However, the reference for the introductory paragraph should have been cited.

    More extensive and interesting blogs next time! Keep up the good work!
