Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Change in Iliad

Spartans, just like what the above says.
According to my site reference Wikipedia, The Iliad by Homer is an Epic poem and attributed to himself. As our English teacher said, The Iliad starts somewhere in the middle and therefore it is a “Medias Res”. The story of the epic is all about the Trojan War. The story develops into tides of battle that is in favor of either the Trojan or Achaeans at some point. Though somehow boring, this book somewhat makes me want to read other great epics. I just don’t know why.

Though I hate gory stories, I will not change that thing in Iliad. What I will change in Iliad are the parts where in the gods of Mt. Olympus would interfere and change tides of battle. Logically, what I will change is the begging of Thetis to Zeus that let her son be honored. Why? Because of what she asked for, I cannot therefore determine if which among the two armies is greater than the other. And because, too, of what she did, the Trojan did lost. Sorry because I am in favor of the Trojans, quite ironic of the favoring of gods thing.

Olympian Gods
Now knowing what I intend to change, it is now my turn to write on the story of mine. Knowing that Briseis is now with Agamemnon, Thetis would pacify first Achilles and begging him to keep these things, his hatred and hurt, to his heart for in quite sometime the greedy Agamemnon will realize his mistake soon enough. Thetis, upon reaching Mt. Olympus after Zeus’s trip, sees Zeus and begs for his son to be glad by sending a forewarning to Agamemnon that he shall not be victorious if Achilles is not there. Zeus then bows his head and immediately, during the night, he sends a dream about the warning. Fearing failure, Agamemnon, on the next day, makes his way through his army and calls for Oddyseus. He asks him to tell Achilles that his beloved Briseis is to be brought back to him so as other offers that is for compensation for what he did. Then when it is time for the first battle, Achilles would not join first for awhile and then the battle soon starts. At first, the Trojans are winning and the Achaeans are drove away towards their ships. Achilles, seeing this, can not think of anything else but to help. Then the battle continues on and on. Oh by the way, the gods didn’t interfere with any battle for they are just happily looking down below and seeing things though it hurts for some gods who are in favor on either side.

How will this affect the story? The Trojans, though quite lesser in strength, are victorious in defending their home. The Achaeans, the sore losers, goes home but a truce is suggested by Alexandros. Though a lot of men have died on both armies, they think that this war is a waste of time and some kind of joke. In their truce, Alexandros gives Helen back to Menelaos and there was some king of relationship between the two sides. They help each other to restore back what was lost and the Trojans prays for the safe voyage of the Achaeans. This war teaches them certain lessons that is useful and needed if a town wants to prosper, the value of fidelity, integrity and acceptance.

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